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Course name Virtual and Augmented Reality to support training and maintenance

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Industrial maintenance and skill development in the age of digital transformation.

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Gender-based violence: how to become an active bystander

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Raising awareness on how to become an ally of people facing gender-based violence (GBV)
MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name L’economia della transizione verde

Course summary text:

Effetti economici, rischi e politiche di mitigazione del cambiamento climatico: il supporto del digitale e della finanza.

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Spaces and Services for Local Communities

Course summary text:
New ways of managing, designing, and inhabiting cities
MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name FS Italiane per la Mobilità Sostenibile

Course summary text:

Il Gruppo FS Italiane nelle attività di ricerca dello SPOKE 4 del MOST

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Coding - il linguaggio nascosto delle cose

Course summary text:

Il corso mostra, tramite alcuni esempi, una delle tante possibilità offerte dalla diffusione dei calcolatori nel mondo che ci circonda: quella di ...

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Finanza per tutti

Course summary text:

Trovi difficile decidere come investire i tuoi risparmi? Le differenze fra azioni e obbligazioni non ti sono per nulla chiare? Quando vai in banca ...

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Pagamenti digitali e frodi

Course summary text:

Benefici, costi e rischi degli strumenti di pagamento

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name BetOnMath for Citizens - Scommetti sulla matematica

Course summary text:

Il percorso aiuta a svelare le insidie del gioco d’azzardo presentando in modo semplice ed intuitivo la Matematica che ne governa il funzionamento.

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Discovering Nuclear Science: energy and beyond

Course summary text:

Where do natural radioactivity come from? What is a radioactive atom? Which are the phases of nuclear fission? How is radioactive pollution ...

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Business for WISEs

Course summary text:

Business for WISEs introduces the key theories of innovation, models and approaches related to continuous competitive advantage through products, ...

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Sensori di immagini e misure senza contatto

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Il corso offre una panoramica dei principali concetti legati alla fotografia digitale, focalizzandosi sulle applicazioni in ambito astronomico per ...

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name La legge di gravitazione universale

Course summary text:

Indaghiamo assieme una delle leggi fisiche più belle dell’Universo, ma non solo! Sveliamo i concetti fondamentali della meccanica orbitale, del ...

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Marte tra scienza e cultura

Course summary text:
Il corso offre una panoramica a 360° sul pianeta Marte, trattato nei suoi molteplici aspetti: dall’esplorazione spaziale, alla geologia, al clima, ...
MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Share Food, Cut Waste

Course summary text:

From words to action: surplus food management to tackle food poverty and food waste.

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals

Course summary text:

The course introduces the concept of Sustainable Development and the recent debate and policies promoted at the global level to face urgent ...

MOOCs for Citizens
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Course name Archaeoastronomy

Course summary text:

The science of stars and stones

MOOCs for Citizens