Business for WISEs
Business for WISEs
Business for WISEs introduces the key theories of innovation, models and approaches related to continuous competitive advantage through products, processes, utilizing technologies and through market practices. It offers key theories of marketing, models and practices of digital marketing and visibility.
Course description
The course is designed for Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs), but can be found useful for anyone in business as it brings useful insights into innovation and its applications followed by insights into marketing.
The first part of the course introduces the INNO-WISEs Project and collects the voices of different WISEs workers. They describe their experiences about Work Integration Social Enterprises world.The second part focuses on individual, team and organization level dynamics that impact innovation in WISEs. Students will gain understanding of important skills in fostering innovation. The course examines issues and challenges relevant to leaders at all levels in an organization.
The third part of the course, focused on marketing, guides the students to develop business and marketing strategy through the analysis of market, competition, consumers, and the company itself. Then, it discusses the operational marketing decisions and practical tools, in ways particularly suited to small businesses.
Everything needed for creating and maintaining competitive advantage is right here.
Learn how to transform, improve and finally get the market momentum that ensures success!
Supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme funded under the European Regional Development Fund.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Intended Learning Outcomes
No prerequisite knowledge is required.
Over and above consulting the content, in the form of videos and other web-based resources, you will have the opportunity to discuss course topics and to share ideas with your peers in the Forum of this MOOC.
Topic outline
Week 1 you will have the chance to listen to some testimonials, who describe their experiences about Work Integration Social Enterprises world.
Week 2 will gain understanding of important skills in fostering innovation.
This part of the course examines issues and challenges relevant to leaders at all levels in an organization. It aims to conceptualize innovations, innovation types and strategies, and it develops a framework of reference for organizations which promote innovation. Finally, it provides tools for developing environments and business models that foster innovations.
Week 3 will guide you through the steps and the components of a marketing plan.
This last section talks about how to analyse the competitive environment, the development of business strategy, and the definition of marketing strategy. It then talks about the executive details of the marketing decisions, integrated with practical introductions to the operation of main digital marketing tools (Ecommerce, Search Engine Marketing, and Social Media Marketing), which are tailored to small businesses.
Video transcripts Folder
Bibliography Page
Il voto finale del corso si basa sul punteggio ottenuto rispondendo ai quiz oggetto di valutazione. Il corso si considera completato in modo adeguato se otterrai almeno il 60% del punteggio complessivo previsto sul totale dei quiz. Il punteggio massimo ottenibile in ciascun quiz è indicato all’inizio del quiz stesso. Puoi vedere il punteggio che hai ottenuto nel quiz in corrispondenza dell’ultimo tentativo fatto oppure nella pagina “Valutazione”.
Certificate of accomplishment
Devi essere registrato in POK attraverso account Politecnico di Milano per ottenere l’Attestato di Partecipazione. L’attestato viene rilasciato a chiunque completi il corso ottenendo almeno il 60% del punteggio complessivo dei quiz oggetto di valutazione e completando il questionario finale. Quando avrai completato con successo il corso, potrai scaricare l’Attestato di Partecipazione direttamente dai Servizi Online del Politecnico di Milano. L’Attestato di Partecipazione non è un certificato ufficiale e non dà diritto a crediti universitari, a voti o a diplomi.Information about fees and access to materials
You can access the course completely online and absolutely free of charge.
Course faculty
Nataša Golik Klanac
Nataša Golik Klanac received her D.Sc. (Econ.) from Hanken School of Business, Finland and M.Sc (Econ.) from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. She has worked as an M.Sc. program director, teacher and a researcher at CERS – Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at Hanken. Since 2012, she is an adjunct faculty at RIT Croatia and RIT Dubai, teaching courses on innovation and creativity. Since 2008, she is a founder and managing director of an engineering and business consultancy Alveus Ltd., engaged with innovation development and commercialization.
Susan Shan Chen
Susan Shan Chen obtained her Ph.D. from the Department of Management Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. She is Assistant Professor of Marketing, and Director of International Master of Multichannel Marketing Management at MIP Graduate Business School. One of her main teaching and research interest is digital marketing and technological applications in managing marketing activities and customer experience. Another main interest is data-driven marketing, focusing on analytical approach to marketing.
Contact details
If you have any enquiries about the course or if you need technical assistance please contact For further information, see FAQ page.