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Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Practice Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Practice

Course summary text:

This course, which is the fourth one of a series, is for anyone passionate about practicing how to develop FPGA-accelerated applications with SDAccel.

MOOCs for Master of science

Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory

Course summary text:

This course, which is the third one of a series, is for anyone passionate about learning the theory on how to develop FPGA-accelerated applications with SDAccel.

MOOCs for Master of science

FPGA computing systems: Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration FPGA computing systems: Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration

Course summary text:

The course introduces students to the concept of Reconfigurable FPGA-based Systems, by discussing their overall architecture and companion design flows. The goal is to present to the students the methodological approaches for the design of such systems, showing also real industrial tools, examples and common practices.

MOOCs for Master of science

FPGA computing systems: A Birds Eye View on Reconfigurable Computing FPGA computing systems: A Birds Eye View on Reconfigurable Computing

Course summary text:

This course, which is the first one of a series, is for anyone passionate in learning how a hardware component can be adapted at runtime to better respond to users/environment needs. This adaptation can be provided by the designers, or it can be an embedded characteristic of the system itself.

MOOCs for Master of science

Introduzione alla fisica sperimentale: elettromagnetismo, ottica, fisica moderna Introduzione alla fisica sperimentale: elettromagnetismo, ottica, fisica moderna

Course summary text:

Affrontando le tematiche dell'elettromagnetismo e dell'ottica a partire dall'applicazione del metodo sperimentale, il corso offre un'opportunità per prepararsi all'ingresso all'università.

MOOCs for Bachelor of science

Introduzione alla fisica sperimentale: meccanica, termodinamica Introduzione alla fisica sperimentale: meccanica, termodinamica

Course summary text:

Il corso affronta le tematiche della meccanica e della termodinamica partendo dallapplicazione del metodo sperimentale, per prepararsi al meglio all'ingresso all'universit.

MOOCs for Bachelor of science

Finanza per tutti Finanza per tutti

Course summary text:

Trovi difficile decidere come investire i tuoi risparmi? Le differenze fra azioni e obbligazioni non ti sono per nulla chiare? Quando vai in banca ti sembra che il tuo consulente finanziario parli un'altra lingua? Con questo corso ti aiuteremo a districarti nella giungla della finanza.

MOOCs for Citizens

Fundamentals of financial and management accounting Fundamentals of financial and management accounting

Course summary text:

Learn how to read and analyze financial statements and understand basic techniques to manage costs and capital investment decisions.

MOOCs for Professionals

To Flip Or Not To Flip - Discover the flipped classroom methodology To Flip Or Not To Flip - Discover the flipped classroom methodology

Course summary text:

To flip or not to flip? That is the question! Lets walk together this path: how does flipped learning works? How to adopt this approach in teaching day life?

MOOCs for Teachers

Essential radiochemistry for society Essential radiochemistry for society

Course summary text:

How much radiochemistry is involved in everyday life and human activities nuclear

MOOCs for Master of science