MOOCs for Teachers
MOOCs for Teachers
Course name Educazione motoria inclusiva nella scuola primaria: obiettivi, strategie e tecnologie innovative
Course name Enhancing education through open opportunities
“Open” is a different approach to education. Its focus is on sharing, improving, and reusing educational materials created by people (teachers, ...
Course name Green Soft Skills for transitioning towards a Sustainable Future
Are you curious about what green soft skills are and why they are at the heart of the transition to a sustainable future? Would you like to empower...
Course name Landscape education for ecological and cultural transition
Take actions to identify, analyse and care the landscape around us!
Course name D-TRANSFORM: University Strategies in the Digital Age
Course name Action Learning for Inclusion
Architecture and planning education with marginalised communities
Course name Spazi e tecnologie per lo smart learning
Il ruolo degli spazi nella didattica: un elemento chiave per la progettazione didattica in aula e online.
Course name Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Contexts
Enhancing teachers’ intercultural skills and practices to foster global citizens and to fulfill the contribution of higher education to society.
Course name Fostering women's participation to STEM through MOOCs
This course aims to raise awareness about the importance of gender balance in the STEM field and illustrates a tool for the creation of ...
Course name Designing Learning Innovation
Course name Valutare e giudicare nel Debate
Sei un docente che usa la metodologia del Debate con i propri studenti, un professionista che sta pensando di applicarla in ambiti extra-scolastici...
Course name Introduzione al Debate
Cos’è il Debate e come praticarlo al meglio in classe? Quali sono le sue regole? Come valutarlo? In questo corso potrai trovare non solo valide ...
Course name New Assessment Strategies - The magic of feedback
The course explains how to accompany students during their learning path with assessment activities. The aim of these activities is to give ...
Course name Using Open Educational Resources in Teaching
Open Educational Resources are the result of a different approach to education: the focus is on sharing, improving and reusing educational ...
Course name To Flip Or Not To Flip - Discover the flipped classroom methodology
To flip or not to flip? That is the question! Let’s walk together this path: how does flipped learning works? How to adopt this approach in ...
Course name Engaging Students in Active Learning
Students and teachers: their relationship gravitates around learning. Look at reality from different perspectives, and fit learning objectives into...
Course name MOOC about MOOCs: progettare e realizzare MOOC di qualità
Il ruolo dei MOOC nella didattica, i passi per una progettazione efficace e le tecniche di produzione dei contenuti.
Course name Active Learning for Soft Skills Development
Soft skills are crucial competencies to be developed by students to access the labour market. The integration of active learning methods in ...
Course name Progettare l'Innovazione Didattica
La Cultura del progetto a servizio dell’Innovazione Didattica
Course name Matematica per Scenari
Pratiche didattiche per insegnare matematica attraverso la modellistica.