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Titolo del corso Progettazione di Motori Elettrici Sostenibili: Efficienza, Circolarità e Ottimizzazione delle Risorse

Testo introduttivo corso:

Scopri i principi della progettazione sostenibile dei motori elettrici: aumenta l'efficienza, promuovi la circolarità e ottimizza l'utilizzo delle ...

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Essential radiochemistry for society

Testo introduttivo corso:

How much radiochemistry is involved in everyday life and human activities

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Practice

Testo introduttivo corso:

This course, which is the fourth one of a “series”, is for anyone passionate about practicing how to develop FPGA-accelerated applications with ...

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso REcube: REthink, REvive, REuse

Testo introduttivo corso:

The course aims to impart knowledge for the green regeneration of the European Concrete Heritage.

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Benvenuti in Italia! Orientarsi con l'italiano - Part 2

Testo introduttivo corso:

Italian as a second language with e-LOCAL (Electronically Learning Other Cultures and Languages)

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory

Testo introduttivo corso:

This course, which is the third one of a “series”, is for anyone passionate about learning the theory on how to develop FPGA-accelerated ...

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Women in Technology

Testo introduttivo corso:

This MOOC will give you the essential tools and knowledge to develop your entrepreneurial project dealing with gender gap and promoting gender ...

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso FPGA computing systems: Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration

Testo introduttivo corso:

The course introduces students to the concept of Reconfigurable FPGA-based Systems, by discussing their overall architecture and companion design ...

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso FPGA computing systems: A Bird’s Eye View on Reconfigurable Computing

Testo introduttivo corso:

This course, which is the first one of a “series”, is for anyone passionate in learning how a hardware component can be adapted at runtime to ...

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Survey Research Methodology

Testo introduttivo corso:

The course gives an introduction to survey research methodology, to provide Master students with the fundamental knowledge about this method for ...

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Particle-Laden Flows: Theory and Engineering Applications

Testo introduttivo corso:

Solid particles carried along in a fluid flow: physical fundamentals, measurement techniques, and modelling frameworks in an application-oriented ...

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Benvenuti in Italia! Orientarsi con l'italiano - Part 1

Testo introduttivo corso:

Italian as a second language with E-LOCAL (Electronically Learning Other Cultures and Languages)

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Case Study Methodology

Testo introduttivo corso:

This course illustrates and describes the case study methodology to conduct qualitative empirical research aimed at crafting a Thesis, ...

MOOCs for Master of Science
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Titolo del corso Nature in the city: turning knowledge into urban forestry practice

Testo introduttivo corso:
Urban Forestry is a transdisciplinary field, spanning from urban design to forest ecology, from socioeconomics to information and communication ...
MOOCs for Master of Science