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Course name Sustainable building design in Africa

Course summary text:

The course provides the main information about technological systems and tools for designing climate responsive buildings in Africa.

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Embracing the Next Production Revolution for a new Africa Narrative

Course summary text:

A short introduction to the Next Production Revolution (NPR) paradigma as a means to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and unlock Africa’s ...

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Sustainable building design for tropical climates: integrating design of buildings and technology systems

Course summary text:

The course provides the main information about technological systems and tools for designing climate responsive buildings in East African Community...

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Sustainable building design for tropical climates: principles and guidelines for EAC

Course summary text:

The course provides the basic necessary information for designing climate responsive buildings, aiming to minimise energy demand and to achieve ...

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Machine Learning

Course summary text:

An overview of the techniques that are transforming many industries and will change our lives.

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Course summary text:

This course deals on how to reflect on the ethical, social, and cultural issues of AI and how to apply ethical frameworks to problems created, ...

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Control and replan using Earned Value and Risk

Course summary text:

Learn how to control projects, adjusting the plan during the project and managing risks.

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Life cycle and project planning

Course summary text:

Learn how to plan projects, assessing their evolution over time.

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Project Management beyond planning and control

Course summary text:

Learn how to manage projects matching the technical and the organizational dimensions of projects

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Fundamentals of Organization

Course summary text:

This course introduces the key theories, concepts, models and approaches related to Organizational Design, Business Process Management and Decision...

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Fundamentals of Strategy

Course summary text:

This course introduces the key theories, concepts, models and approaches related to Strategy at a Corporate, Business and Functional/Operational ...

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Fundamentals of Operations

Course summary text:

This course introduces the key theories, concepts, models and approaches related to Production and Logistics Systems.

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Fundamentals of Economics

Course summary text:

The course introduces the student to both microeconomic and macroeconomic issues.

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Fundamentals of financial and management accounting

Course summary text:

Learn how to read and analyze financial statements and understand basic techniques to manage costs and capital investment decisions.

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Gestire il conflitto

Course summary text:

Come riconoscere un conflitto? Come gestirlo al meglio? Che ruolo ha la tua personalità? In questo corso potrai trovare alcune risposte a questi ...

MOOCs for Professionals
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Course name Technologies and platforms for Artificial Intelligence

Course summary text:

The MOOC aims to present the main platforms and technological solutions in the Machine and Deep Learning field.

MOOCs for Professionals